New Feature – Download demo image

Atomic Orbitals demo imageI’ve been revamping the site, working towards a more visual layout.  Part of that has been going through old posts and attaching an image to every single one of them.  Some of them just needed selecting an image from the content, and some needed an entirely new image generated from the demo code.  In the past, that has meant capturing screenshots or uploading the image to a service like imgur.

I figured there has got to be a better way, so with a little bit of simple research, and adding some angularjs to the site, I’ve added a helpful download button to many of the javascript demos on the site.  This includes the 3D Harmonic oscillator demo, and the Atomic Orbital demo as well.

While that makes things easier for me, it also makes the site much more useful in general. Now you can pick out an orientation for an atomic orbital and snap a quick shot of it however you want.  Or you can build your own fractal and grab a copy of it.

I’ve also gone through the old catalog and updated pages making sure they all still work.  A number of those early projects were one off simple demos.  While neat, I don’t think they’ve lived up to their full potential because of the limits in parameterizing them and putting multiple copies on a single page.  Now that I’m rewriting them using angularjs I’ll be able to integrate them much more richly into my writing.

I’m jonesing to take full advantage of much of the code I’ve written.  I’ve only done two basic posts based on a javascript based geodesic solver I’ve written for Schwarzschild black holes.  There is so much more I can do with that.  I haven’t touched on the Doppler effect in the speed of sound demo, or added relativistic effects.

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2 responses to “New Feature – Download demo image”

  1. Jim Delderfield Avatar
    Jim Delderfield

    Great visuals,I’ve always had difficulty in visualising orbitals.

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