I’m still working out some issues with the 3d to 2d projection, but I’ve been preoccupied with differential equation solvers (like the runge-kutta in this case)over the past few weeks. Again these are pages that are best viewed in chrome, because of the raw performance of the javascript engine.
This page shows a rotating view of the Lorenz equations as one of the parameters is varied through time. You can see how the solutions evolve through chaotic and periodic regimes as the parameter is varied. I haven’t seen a display like this for these equations. Most viewers just give a view of a static parameter solution over time. In this case the parameters are varied.
The only thing that keeps me from stamping this as complete and moving on is that the 3d to 2d projection isn’t setup just the way I’d like. It should be fixed in the next few days and then, I’ll move on to some more displays that relate to the waves class I took as a sophomore in college.