Tag: chrome

  • Closer to a good stopping point

    Closer to a good stopping point

    I’ve finally got the chrome crashing bug and crazy memory usage fixed, so I’ve taken a little bit of time while my 3 week old daughter is sleeping here and there to add some refinements. I’ve added basic shading back in, added a link to the blog and a couple of bookmarking links. I’m going…

  • I’ve got to hand it to IE 9.0 beta

    I’ve got to hand it to IE 9.0 beta

    Or then again, maybe not. IE9 is currently the best browser for viewing these images. Chrome keeps crashing after 2 minutes or so, but IE is rock solid running for hours. However, it totally lost the content for this post. It looks like all the script libraries are going to need some upgrades to handle…

  • I think this is the last moving fractal for a while

    I think this is the last moving fractal for a while

    I’ve completely revamped the way I generate motion for the IFS fractals. I think it is much more entertaining. Now I generate new points and linearly interpolate between them with the constraint that the sum of the scaling factors is a fixed constant. Before I just generated a fixed path which ended up with a…

  • faster, denser

    faster, denser

    WARNING javascript development geek alert. I haven’t posted in a while as I’ve been refactoring the javascript. I’ve broken the script down into a jQuery plugin to draw the fractals, and moved the ifs animation portion into another level of code. I’m thinking about releasing the code as a canvas based replacement to those “loading”…

  • New streaking and pause

    New streaking and pause

    I’ve updated yet again. This time I’ve increased the refresh rate and changed the way that I do the motion blur. Instead of keeping a buffer of past images and redrawing them all for each frame, I’m clearing the screen with an alpha factor. That gives a fading trail. I also added a pause on…

  • Improvements and effects

    I’ve made some changes to the way I’m drawing to the canvas. Using the imageData api is much faster, even though it’s a lot less user friendly. I’m able to keep a histogram of hits per pixel in the image. However, mapping the histograms to the color palette is now going to be more complicated,…

  • Animate2


    The continual evolution of the animated fractal page. I’ve worked a simple palette into the images giving a slight scintillating effect. I’m testing out markers to show the center, scale and rotation of the maps. They also include more kinds of movement. In the first version, I only included animating the scale and rotation of…

  • Now with Movement

    One of the nice things about these images is that they give me the opportunity to talk about some of the more abstract mathematical concepts in a natural environment. These images are rough and don’t look anything like the functions from algebra and calculus, but the are built out of those same simple functions. The…

  • chrome fractals

    chrome fractals

    This is my first attempt at a chrome experiment to generate fractal art. It uses iterated function systems that I learned from Fractals Everywhere that I picked up in college.  It’s really rough, and a very ugly user interface. It’s nothing more than a text area full of json objects and an eval statement hooked…